Thursday, March 22, 2012

Twitter Makes A Great Contribution to Social Communication

On Twitter's sixth birthday of Mar.21.2012,  People across the Internet are giving Twitter a hearty Birthday wish. Twitter now boasts more than 140 million active users and users send 340 million tweets a day, which is more than 1 billion every three days.

6 years ago, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey posted the very first public tweet on the micro-blogging platform. From that moment, Twitter has changed the way we view virtual Relevant Products/Services life and what we think of traditional means of interacting with one another.

In the past, the only way consumers had access to celebrities or prominent businessmen, government officials and athletes was through the media stories published about them. Twitter has made it possible to bypass the traditional media to learn even more about high-profile public figures. Nowadays, Twitter has also made an impact on marketing. Many companies, such as retailers, wholesalers, auction sellers or cellphone accessories wholesale company that are active on Twitter use the microblog not just as a broadcast marketing tool but also as a way of generating business by rewarding affiliation.

In 2012, Twitter is looking to evolve from the status update service it started as to an information service optimized for sharing and consuming information and content. Based on that, maybe in its sixth year Twitter might see its biggest changes.

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